After you turn on Microsoft 365 Security Baselines, Windows 10 will not connect to your Microsoft display Adapter. Here are the steps to leave your baselines intact and get your Microsoft Display Adapter working again.
Step 1. Confirm you cannot connect to the Microsoft Display Adapter and the log into Microsoft 365. Open Endpoint manager (InTune) and open Configuration profiles under Home, Devices, Windows.
Step 2. Create a new profile by clicking the Create Profile button. Then select the Windows 10 and later Platform and choose the Template Profile type and then select the Endpoint protection template. Lastly press the Create button.
Step 3. Now give the policy a Name : WIN 10 - Firewall and a Description : Windows 10 - Firewall changes to allow Microsoft Display Adapter to connect. Press the Next button.
Step 4. Choose the Microsoft Defender Firewall policy and press the Add button to create a new rule.
Step 5. Now lets create a new Firewall Policy with the following details.
Name: Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter
Description: Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter [Inbound - TCP]
Direction: Inbound Action: Allow
Network Type: Select all 3 - Domain - Private - Public
Applications: File path File Path: %systemroot%\system32\WUDFHost.exe
Local addresses: Any address
Remote addresses: Any address
Protocol: TCP
Local ports: All ports
Remote ports: All ports
Interface types: Select all 3 - Remote access - Wireless - Local area network
Only allow connections from these users: Leave Blank
Then press the Save button.
Step 6. You should now see the profile listed as a Firewall Rule. Press Next to move to the Assignments section.
Step 7. Select the groups you would like the policy assigned to. In this case Add all users and Add all devices has been selected. Press Next to move to the Applicability Rules section.
Step 8. No Applicability Rules are required. Press Next to move to the Review + create section.
Step 9. Press Create to create the policy.
Step 10. Now wait for the Policy to sync with the Windows 10 Computers or manually force a sync.
Step 11. Important. Once the policy has synced to the Windows 10 workstation reboot the computer.
Step 12. Once rebooted the connection to the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter will be successful.